Ryohei Inanaga, Graduate student

Graduate student
Ryohei Inanaga
Ryohei Inanaga, MD
Dr. Ryohei Inanaga joined Department of Clinical Epidemiology as a graduate student in October 2022. Dr. Inanaga was born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1987. Dr. Inanaga graduated from Kyorin University and earned a MD degree in 2013. He is currently working at Department of Nephrology, Shin-yurigaoka General Hospital.
“For the past 10 years, I was engaged in medical care as a nephrologist both at a university hospital and community hospitals. In recent renal failure care, patients are aging and their pathological conditions and social backgrounds are becoming more complicated. Therefore, in order to clarify the nature of renal failure, and to conduct research that can serve as a bridge between patients and medical professionals, I have decided to enter the Department of Clinical Epidemiology. I will continue to work hard so that I can publish valuable clinical research.”
[Academic affiliations and certifications]
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine(Fellow and Board Certificated member)
Japanese Society of Nephrology(Board Certified Nephrologist)
Member of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
Member of Japanese Society for Peritoneal Dialysis
Member of Japan College of Rheumatology
Infection Control Doctor
[Residency and clinical experience]
2013- Junior resident, Kyorin University Hospital
2015- Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology, Kyorin University School of Medicine
2017- Nephrology Center, Toranomon Hospital Kajigaya
Department of Internal Medicine, Shirakawa Hospital
2018- Department of Nephrology, Shin-yurigaoka General Hospital
[Clinical research]
Kanakubo Y, Kurita N#, Ukai M, Aita T, Inanaga R, Kawaji A, Toishi T, Matsunami M, Munakata Y, Suzuki T, Okada T. (#corresponding author)血液透析における人を中心に据えた医療の質とアドバンスケアプランニングへの参加との関連性BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2024; 14: e2872-e2879. doi:10.1136/spcare-2024-004831
Inanaga R, Toida T, Aita T, Kanakubo Y, Ukai M, Toishi T, Kawaji A, Matsunami M, Okada T, Munakata Y, Suzuki T, Kurita N#. (#corresponding author)血液透析患者における医師への信頼、多次元ヘルスリテラシー、服薬アドヒアランスの関係性Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2024; 19: 463-471. doi:10.2215/CJN.0000000000000392
この結果から、血液透析患者の服薬の遵守度を向上させるためには、適切なヘルスリテラシーに対応したアプローチだけでなく、医師との信頼関係の構築も重要であることが確認できました。[※研究成果が、福島民報 日刊に掲載されました。福島医大 人工透析患者の服薬行動調査 効用に懐疑で中断の傾向 稲永医師、栗田特任教授のチーム. 福島民報. 2024年1月31日 日刊21ページ. また、研究成果が、福島民友 日刊に掲載されました。医療情報 積極収集する患者 服薬順守度高く 福島医大の稲永医師ら調査. 福島民友. 2024年1月31日 日刊19ページ.]