Shin-u Hayashi, Postdoctoral fellow
Postdoctoral fellow
Shin-u Hayashi
Shin-u Hayashi, MD, MPH, PhD
Dr. Shin-u Hayashi joined Department of Clinical Epidemiology as a graduate research student in April 2023. Dr. Hayashi was born in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1981. Dr. Hayashi graduated from Chiba University School of Medicine and earned a MD degree in 2007. He completed his residency program at the University of Tokyo Hospital and senior residency program in internal medicine at the Japan Red Cross Medical Center. Thereafter, he studied public health, medical management, and health policy in a graduate school while engaging in clinical practice in internal medicine and home medical care. He earned a PhD degree from Graduate School of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University (Department of Clinical Epidemiology) in March 2024.
“I used to visit Fukushima for skiing and traveling when I was in elementary school. I became a graduate research student through collaboration with Dr. Kurita in the course of engaging in home medical care. I hope to contribute to the improvement in quality of home medical care and provide better medical care for patients and their families.”
[Academic affiliations and certifications]
Japanese Association for Home Care Medicine (Board Certified Home Care Physician/Instructor)
Japan Primary Care Association (Diplomate in Primary Care/Instructor)
The Japan Diabetes Society (Board Certified Diabetologist)
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (Board Certified Member)
[Residency and clinical experience]
2007- Junior resident, The University of Tokyo Hospital
2009- Department of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center
2013- Department of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Japanese Red Cross Omori Hospital
2015- You Home Clinic/You Home Clinic, Heiwadai
[Clinical Research]
Yasunaka M, Tsugihashi Y, Hayashi S, Iida H, Hirose M, Shirahige Y, Kurita N, and the ZEVIOUS group.在宅医療患者における期待余命と生活の質および健康関連ホープとの関係性:ZEVIOUS研究PLOS ONE 2023; 18: e0295672. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0295672
東京・奈良・長崎で在宅医療を受ける患者の期待余命(どれぐらいの年数を生きるかを担当医が予測したもの)と生活機能、QOL、およびホープとの関係性を横断的に分析しました。生活機能はWHODAS 2.0(高得点ほど機能と障害が悪い)で、QOLはQOL-HC(高得点ほどQOLが高い)で、ホープは健康関連ホープ尺度のドメインスコア(「健康」、「役割とつながり」、「生きがい」:高得点ほど希望が高い)で評価しました。期待余命が短いほどQOLスコアが高くなる一方で、生活機能は低くなることがわかりました。期待余命が短いほど、「生きがい」スコアは低くなる一方で、「役割とつながり」については顕著な違いは示されませんでした。
長崎在宅Dr.ネット・天理よろづ相談所白川分院と奈良県内でご活躍の先生方・医療法人社団鉄祐会とチームで行う、ZEVIOUS研究(Zaitaku Evaluative Initiatives and Outcome Study)の成果(チームプロダクト)です。主筆は安中正和先生が務められ、次橋幸男先生が加勢しました。主指導教員は、ロジスティクスを含めた研究計画の立案・解析・論文化でフルコミットしました。 -
Hayashi S, Shirahige Y, Fujioka S, Tsugihashi Y, Iida H, Hirose M, Yasunaka M, Kurita N, and the ZEVIOUS group.在宅医療患者における患者本位の医療とアドバンスケアプランニングとの関係性:ZEVIOUS研究Family Practice 2023; 40: 211–217. doi:10.1093/fampra/cmac062
医療法人社団鉄祐会・長崎在宅Dr.ネット・天理よろづ相談所白川分院と奈良県内でご活躍の先生方とチームで行う、ZEVIOUS研究(Zaitaku Evaluative Initiatives and Outcome Study)の成果(チームプロダクト)です。主指導教員が、ロジスティクスを含めた研究計画の立案・解析・論文化でフルコミットしました。 -
Tsugihashi Y, Hirose M, Iida H, Hayashi S, Yasunaka M, Shirahige Y, Kurita N, and the ZEVIOUS group.在宅医療患者における要介護度分類の妥当性を日常生活機能・サルコペニアの主観的な指標から検証する:ZEVIOUS研究Geriatrics & Gerontology International 2021; 21: 229-237. doi:10.1111/ggi.14124
長崎在宅Dr.ネット・医療法人社団鉄祐会・天理よろづ相談所白川分院と奈良県内でご活躍の先生方とチームで行う、ZEVIOUS研究(Zaitaku Evaluative Initiatives and Outcome Study)の成果(チームプロダクト)です。
Miyashita J, Hayashi S, Yamamoto Y.
Association between direct interpersonal involvement with a dying family member and discussions regarding advance care planning among Japanese older adults.
Geriatr Gerontol Int 2021; 21(2): 197-202.
Imai H, Furukawa TA, Hayashi S, Goto A, Izumi K, Hayashino Y, Noda M.
Risk perception, self-efficacy, trust for physician, depression, and behavior modification in diabetic patients.
J Health Psychol 2020; 25(3): 350-360.
Kojima Y, Kaga H, Hayashi S, Kitazawa T, Iimura Y, Ohno M, Yoshitsugu M, Fujiwara M, Hiyoshi T.
Comparison between sitagliptin and nateglinide on postprandial lipid levels: The STANDARD study.
World J Diabetes 2013; 4(1): 8-13.