Our supervisor gave an educational lecture at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Nephrology

[Japanese version]
Our supervisor, Dr. Kurita, gave an educational lecture at the 64th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Nephrology held on June 18-20, 2021.

His lecture was entitled “What is a“QOL”oriented medical care for people with CKD? ―An approach through health-related QOL and psychological aspects―”. He gave an overview of how PROs should be implemented in clinical practice and research, while summarizing the relationship between PROs, QOL, symptom scales, health-related QOL, and other psychological indices that are currently gaining attention in the nephrology field.

He reviewed legacy papers that were published in JAMA almost 30 years ago. As symbolized by power words such as ” Quality of life oriented medical care for patients…”, symptoms and functions are often confused with quality of life in clinical research articles (JAMA. 1994;272(8):619-26). The following article provided an overview of how biological and physiological parameters relate to symptoms, function, health-related quality of life and quality of life in general (JAMA. 1995;273(1):59-65). Our previous clinical research examples (vitality in hemodialysis patients, health-related Hope, treatment adherence and physical health in kidney and dialysis patients) were incorporated into his talk.

The content of his presentation was based on the cooperation of many colleagues, including his mentor, Dr. Fukuhara, and those who provided great support for his research, including Dr. Wakita (Kansai University), Dr. Shibagaki (St. Marianna University of Medicine), and Dr. Ishibashi (Japan Red Cross Medical Center). The results were supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No. 16H05216; Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, No. 18K17970; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No. 19KT0021).

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